OsiriX Lite has been specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images: 2D Viewer, 3D Viewer, 4D Viewer (3D series with temporal dimension, for example: Cardiac-CT) and 5D Viewer (3D series with temporal and functional dimensions, for example: Cardiac-PET-CT). OsiriX Lite is able to receive images transferred by DICOM communication protocol from any PACS or medical imaging modality (STORE SCP - Service Class Provider, STORE SCU - Service Class User, and Query/Retrieve). It is fully compliant with the DICOM standard for image comunication and image file formats.
It can also read many other file formats: TIFF (8,16, 32 bits), JPEG, PDF, AVI, MPEG and Quicktime. ) and confocal microscopy (LSM and BioRAD-PIC format). OsiriX Lite is an image processing software dedicated to DICOM images ('.dcm' / '.DCM' extension) produced by medical equipment (MRI, CT, PET, PET-CT.